Blog Posts

three dogs run down steps through autumn leaves

Send in the Dogs

If you are one of those organisations which has been put off taking part in a media training course because you’re worried it is going

Controlling the News Agenda

You’ve prepared a fabulous press release, a social media campaign with video content, great interviews and you’ve managed to get the attention of a national

Keep it simple…

We’re all bombarded with content so if you are doing an interview with a journalist you need to make sure you know what your message

Read it aloud

Read It Aloud As children we are encouraged to read aloud. It helps them learn new words, bond with the person who they are reading

We’ll Make a Podcast

You’re having a team meeting and someone says ‘I know, let’s make a podcast.’ Does your heart sink at this point or do you see

We’ll fix that in post

Making changes to video footage is not as simple a process as photoshopping still images. Let me repeat that. Making changes to video content is

Man typing on laptop

So what do you do?

It’s probably the question we ask or are most asked when we meet someone new. Face to face it is easy to explain – or

Volcano reupting at night

Fail To Prepare…..

Fail To Prepare….. It’s an old adage but it’s surprising how few organisations take Benjamin Franklin’s quote seriously enough to put his advice into practise.

fried eggs making sad face

A recipe for disaster?

When you are preparing your message for a media interview or helping someone else with their preparation, don’t try to cram in too much. Many


Lies, damn lies and statistics

Every day we’re bombarded with statistics from organisations wanting to make their point. But a good journalist will be sceptical about the figures handed out.