Keep it simple…

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We’re all bombarded with content so if you are doing an interview with a journalist you need to make sure you know what your message is and keep it simple. Too often clients tell me they’ve been told to have three key messages and they spend their time in the interview trying to tick all those boxes.

Consider this. When you listen, watch or read an interview how many messages do you as the audience remember? Maybe one, if the interviewee is lucky and has made it crystal clear backed up by real examples.

The problem is, if you go into an interview seeing it as a tick box exercise with perfectly honed key messages then you’ll spend your time focusing on shoehorning those in instead of having something interesting to say which the audience will remember.

That doesn’t mean repeating the same thing over and over again – that will drive the interviewer and the audience away. Instead think of stories and examples which can back up what you are trying to get across. These will be far more memorable and will win people round.

So KISS – Keep It Simple…

Whirlwind Productions

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